My Birthday 🎉

Today is National Honesty Day.
Tell the truth and shame the devil.
Tell the truth about gender, tell the truth about marriage being between a man and a woman, tell the truth about the economy, tell the truth about the Constitution, tell the truth about the border, tell the truth about Israel, tell the truth about life in the mother’s womb, tell the truth about the Bible, and Heaven and hell and Eternal life,
‼️National Honesty Day. ‼️

So many people are amazed and thrilled to find my Facebook pages (BELOW ⬇️) and this preacher, and my website,, because we only share the truth, no hoaxes, no conspiracies, no wild ideas, no fake news, only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…. it’s refreshing isn’t it? ❤️
National Honesty Day.
Sounds like a good day to be born, and it is, it’s my birthday.
I’m 62 years old today. Born in 1962.
I have a feeling this is gonna be my year.
-I’m 62.
-Born in 1962.
-I live in a home with a street number of 62.
-And my ZIP Code is 62062.
🎯Yes, it’s gonna be my year.🎯🤣

If you’ve been following me for years you know that every year on my birthday I look through the entire the Bible to see corresponding chapter and verse with my age.
Chapter 6 verse 2.
Sometimes I find 10 or 12, this year I found 3.
I peruse the Bible, in every book, to see if there might be something to speak into my life.

*Joshua 6:2. “See I have given the city into your hand, and its mighty men of valor.” I am praying, oh Lord, give me my city, and all the mighty men, business and civic leaders, fireman and policemen, Lord give me this city. For Jesus’ sake.
*2 Samuel 6:2. “David went to retrieve the Ark of God, Whose Name is the Lord of Hosts, Who dwells between the Cheribum.”
This year, let’s pursue the manifest, tangible, actual presence and power and glory of God in our lives, our marriages, and our homes and businesses, on the streets, in our cities, and in this nation.
And one more,
*Acts 6:2. “We apostles should spend time preaching the Word of God, not running a food program…. We apostles must spend our time in prayer and teaching the Word.” Preachers and men and woman of God and pastors are not primarily executives, leaders or managers we must be sold out for one purpose, talking to God, hearing from God, studying His Word and speaking to the people for God!

That’s been my aim for my whole life, I started preaching at four years of age to the chickens. As I said on Sunday, we had the most anointed eggs for breakfast, and the fried chicken in our house was Heavenly. 😆
It’s been my pattern all my life, as soon as I learned to read, to seriously study the Word God, but this year I must be even more intensely laser- focused on prayer and the Word. I’m not a preacher who prays prophesies and teaches and sings, I am a prayer, who sings, teaches and preaches and prophesies.
Myles Holmes Ministries🔥
Battle of the Republic🇺🇸
Trump & The Great America✅

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