Some help …

Just some thoughts on a rainy Tuesday afternoon.

Many well-meaning conservatives are confused. 
Many Republicans, even though serving in Congress, don’t know how to vote.
Let me break it down for you.
America and much of the West faces 5 horrific and dangerous enemies.
You could add to this list, but it’s my post so I’m going with these 5.

1) China
2) Russia
3) Iran
4) WOKEISM- Trans, GREEN worship, etc
5) The Wide Open Border -crime, fentanyl, gangs, trafficking etc

As I said, you can add others to my list, but if you don’t agree that all 5 of these are actual, horrific and dangerous enemies of the West today, you are uninformed, out of touch and probably need to hang out on other pages.🤣

The problem we’re having in conservative circles is that many feel that we’ve got to pick just one or two of these enemies.
We can ONLY support Israel.
Or, we can ONLY support Ukraine.
Or, no, we can ONLY worry about our border. WRONG-‼️

Every one of these challenges must be fought with every ounce of energy and strength we have.
We simply cannot let Russia take Ukraine because our border is in such a mess. To do so would only embolden our enemies of Iran and China.

And please stop telling me that Ukraine has bio labs and sex trafficking.
I’m sad to inform you that America has far more bio labs and sex trafficking than Ukraine has, should we welcome Putin‘s bombs here?

And the truth is, if we shut down the WOKE ideology in America, STOP 🛑 funding billions of dollars of GREEN worship, start drilling in America, our economy in no time would be able to bear the weight of supporting freedom fighters on other continents.

There are a few things you could do immediately.
One is, get off of TikTok, which is owned and managed and monitored by China.
You could stop being an apologist for Russia, as if they’re doing God‘s work.
You can stop sending your children to these woke universities where they’re being trained in anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism.

And Republican Congress members should stop hiding behind predictable votes (that would win and votes that would lose) and start voting for the truth and the Right every single time.
I think a lot of us need to be reminded that “Politics is the art of the possible.”

(This idea that “I’m not gonna vote for it this time because I know it’ll pass without me” is cowardice, and we need stronger leadership than that.)

I am grateful for Speaker Mike Johnson and President Donald J. Trump and their leadership.
🙏PRAY PRAY PRAY & FAST & PRAY 🙏for Trump’s return to the White House in November.
Myles Holmes Ministries🔥
Battle of the Republic🇺🇸
Trump & The Great America✅

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